Here she is! Kenadie Braithwaite. She finally made her appearance on April 14th at 3:52 pm. She was 7 lbs. 4 oz. and 19 1/2 inches long. She looks just like Paityn and Andee did when they were born and has a ton of dark hair. She's doing great (and so am I!). More pictures to come!
Christmas Holiday Cards
1 month ago
She is beautiful! I am glad that you are feeling good as well.
Congratulations! She is so precious! Glad to hear you are doing well!
Hooray! I've been WAITING for this post! I was so bummed when Brynlie broke out with some weird rash thing. I'm glad she's feeling better so I can come and visit you without feeling like I'm carrying something that could make your precious baby sick. She looks tons like Paity and Andee when they were born, that's crazy! We want to come see you, so we'll call and come this week if you're up to it. Congratulations, she's beautiful!
congrats! So adorable, I'm so happy for you both.
Yay! I am so excited that she's here! She's adorable just like your other 2. Can't wait to see you!
So stinking cute!!!
Yeay, congratulations!
awwww! She is ADORABLE!!!! i can't wait to see her! :)
She is too cute! Congrats!!
Congratulations! She's beautiful.
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