Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Summer Camping

What would a summer be without a camping trip. One thing we would like to do more of as a family is camping. We rough it by sleeping in tents, cooking our meals over an open flame, getting dirty and smelling like campfire. This year we went camping up Manti canyon with Dave's sister and her family and Dave's oldest brother.

How cute are my two little campers! This doesn't happen very often :)
Our three girls and their three boys, James, Tyson and Sean.
Dave with our littlest camper. She was a trooper and just loved being outside.
The first night we were there Paityn got eaten alive by the mosquitos. Forgot to apply the spray to her forehead.
Riding in the back of the truck. Carseats? What are those when you're in the mountains.
The boys brought up their "Jeep" so the girls could learn how to 4x4 it.
Kenadie and I hung out in the truck a lot. It was pretty cold and windy.
Paityn's fish. She worked hard for this one.
This was the first trip that the girls really got into fishing. Paityn got to be pretty good at casting. We sat here for probably 2 hours. A little boring to me :)
There was this huge snowbank still left up there so they all decided to hike up to it. They thought it was pretty cool to play in the snow during the summer. They came back with some pretty wet bums.
Dave with the first fish of the day. This took about 1 1/2 hours to get. I know.....BORING! Can you tell I'm not a fisherman.
I just thought Andee looked so cute sitting there with her fishing pole.
We had a great time and can't wait to do it again next year!


Jocelyn said...

Looks like lots of fun! I just love Kenadie's cheeks, they make me smile every time!

Mandi said...

looks like you guys all had fun!! I missed not being there!! Hopefully next year :)