Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Things That Entertain Me

This is what has kept me entertained the last few nights! The movie comes out and I wanted to read it before I saw the movie. The movie looked a little creepy but I decided to read the book anyway because my book-loving sister loved it and recommended it. I couldn't put it down it was so good.

My other entertainment only happens once in a blue moon, and that is concert. Dave gave me tickets to the Micael Buble concert for Christmas. It was about a week and a half ago and I am still replaying it in my mind. I LOVED it! He is an amazing performer. Even Dave, who isn't into that kind of music at all, thought it was pretty good. I've always loved Frank Sinatra and when I heard Michale Buble for the first time I thought it sounded just like Ol' Blue Eyes. All I had was the camera on my phone and I wasn't going to take pictures but I couldn't help it. They don't even come close to capturing the energy there. It was so cool!
I didn't even get a cheesy picture of Dave and I together dang it. All I was concerned about was that dreamy Michale Buble! Did I just say dreamy!?


Haylee said...

I KNEW you would love that book! It's one of my favorites!! And I am so jealous of the concert!! Michael Buble is 'dreamy'...I can only imagine how awesome that concert was!!!

Anonymous said...

I love getting star struck at concerts! During the show, I'm always thinking, "I can't believe I am in the same room with him!!" That's how I felt at the Keith Urban concert.

Unknown said...

How fun. You guys are quite the crazy wild couple. Hahah that was a joke. I love him but my hubby wasn't down. What a man!!! I haven't seen that movie yet either. Maybe Should read the book first. Oh who am I kidding... I don't have time to read. :)