For Halloween we, the girls (Dave was a stinker and wouldn't dress up with us), were 50's girls, or bobbysockers, I guess is what they're called. My mom made our skirts for us and I added the poodles and embelishments. Paityn and Andee looked so cute in their tennis shoes and ponytails. Wouldn't it have been cute if Dave dressed up as a "greaser"? No luck. I had the girls with me at school for parts of the day and then they went on the parade with me at school. They got lots of oohs and aahs. We went trick or treating later that night and Paityn kept asking at door, "Am I cute?" A little vain? But yes, they were both so stinkin' cute! Andee actually got to where she could say, "trick or treat" and "Happy Halloween". She's a little talker.
Paityn was asked at a restaurant what she was going to be for Halloween and she replied, "a 50's girlla (she can't say girl) at which the waitress replied, "a gorilla?" Paityn got very annoyed and said, "No, a 50's girrrrrrla". We'll have to work on that.
Andee found a cute little "Darth Tater" on her adventures at the Halloween carnival. It was very cute to see Andee and Tate Cannon walking down the hall hand in hand.