For some reason we have celebrated all of the girls 1 week old birthday. So here's our newest little angel at 1 week old. It seems like she's been with us forever. We can't imagine life without her now that we have her. Happy 1 week old birthday Kenadie.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
1 Week Old
Posted by
Amy and Dave B.
7:37 PM
Monday, April 20, 2009
The Story of Kenadie
Prepare yourself for a long post! And here we go!
After waiting and waiting for April 12th to come, it passed with no baby. Not feeling like I wanted to deal with two very energetic little girls named Paityn and Andee, we shipped them off to my mom's house for a few days. That was Sunday. Then came Monday, and you'd think I would just sit at home or clean or something, but no. We went car shopping. Without the girls, it was a perfect day to go. That night I went into "nesting" mode, cleaning and doing laundry, knowing that I was being induced the next morning.
So it begins. Monday morning, April 14th at 6:00 am I called the hospital to see when we could come. We were told to come at 7:00 am and that's just what we did. I was so anxious to have this baby but soooo nervous at the same time. I had never been induced and had heard some nightmare stories about it but had also heard some good things so I wasn't sure what to expect.
We got checked in, got in my gown, got my IV and was in for the long haul. My nurse was fabulous and made my stay there as comfortable as possible. She started the pitosin and I waited for those dreaded contractions to start. My dr. came around noon and broke my water and that's when it all started. I got my epidural a short time after that, after taking the pain as long as I could. I kept waiting for the epidural to take over my pain but it never did fully so I gave the button a push and got a little extra going in my system. This didn't work so after an hour I pushed it again. Once again, it wasn't working and the contractions were still so strong. I couldn't figure out why it wasn't working and thought that the epidural hadn't been put in right and I was worried they'd have to do it again. Well, come to find out, I was progressing sooo fast that the epidural couldn't keep up with the pain. The nurse kept a close eye on the babies heartbeat because everytime I was having a contraction, the baby's head compressions would go crazy. She thought the labor was just too much for the baby. Actually it was just that I was dilating so fast and getting ready to deliver. The nurse was shocked at how fast I was progressing. So in came the doctor and about 15 minutes later, after pushing only a few times, out came Kenadie. She was laid on my stomach while Dave cut the chord and all was well. She was beautiful and looked just like Paityn and Andee. She had lots of dark hair and her eyes were wide open. She got to hang out with me in the room for an hour before they took her to the nursery to get a bath and do the regular newborn routine. I was just so relieved to have her here and so grateful to my Heavenly Father that she was healthy and that all went well. We said a prayer before we left for the hospital that everything would be OK and I know he heard that prayer!
For some reason, these pictures are out of order so I'll just tell what each of them are. Here goes.
Posted by
Amy and Dave B.
8:58 PM
Saturday, April 18, 2009
She's Here!
Here she is! Kenadie Braithwaite. She finally made her appearance on April 14th at 3:52 pm. She was 7 lbs. 4 oz. and 19 1/2 inches long. She looks just like Paityn and Andee did when they were born and has a ton of dark hair. She's doing great (and so am I!). More pictures to come!
Posted by
Amy and Dave B.
9:19 PM
Monday, April 13, 2009
Easter Came and Went
After waiting a FULL 40 weeks for Easter day to arrive, it came and went with no baby. If you noticed my baby ticker above, I am now 40 weeks and 1 day pregnant. AAUUUGGHHH! Tomorrow is the day though. I am being induced on Tuesday whether I like it or not.
So while I was waiting for a baby to come, the girls were having a great Easter. On Saturday they received a package in the mail from Grandma and were so excited!They broke right into their packages. This was the beginning of candy and Easter grass all over.
Paityn kept saying that it was the best Easter ever. So easy to please.
Posted by
Amy and Dave B.
11:13 AM