Saturday, June 28, 2008
Wedding Tag
1. Where did you meet? Well, officially in elementary school but to be honest I do not have one single memory with him in it until about 7 years after high school. While I was going to college I worked at a grocery store and he lived with his parents. His mom asked him to go to the store for her and of course I was working. He sure did come into the store a lot after that. HHHMMMM!
2. What was the first thought that went through your head when you met? Dave was voted "Best Looking" in our senior class and so I thought he was a great looking guy but he also had a very, should we say, WILD past and that's all I knew of him. While at one of his weekend parties he told one of my sister's friends that I was someone he would change his life around for. She told me what he had said and I replied with, "what is a partier like that interested in me for?" He was just not my type but I was very flattered.
3. Do you remember what he was wearing? On our first date he was wearing jeans with a white shirt that had blue blocked sleeves and a hat.
4. Where was the first time you kissed this person? It was our 3rd time doing something together and he kissed me at night in my parents driveway. We had just been on a bike ride.
5. How did he ask you out? He came into the store to "get something for his mom" and mentioned that we should get together and do something. We set up a time but then I had to call and cancel on him because I had to graduate from college! Date with Dave or college graduation? We went out later though.
7. How long did you know this person before you became a couple? I guess we knew eachother for 23 years before we started dating. If you ask me how long it took us to become a couple after our first date, I would say a few weeks. He would say a few months. I guess that's the difference between guys and girls.
8. Has this person ever proposed to you? Yes, and you should have seen how nervous he was! Especially when he went and asked my dad for permission. I wasn't there but my dad does a great impression.
9. Do you and this person have kids together? We have 2 beautiful and funny little girls names Paityn and Andee. Paityn is 5 and Andee is 2. We just don't know where they came from with their personalities but we think they are the greatest little people ever!
10. Have you ever broken the law together? Together? No. Separately? Let's just say Dave has a record:)
11. When was the first time you realized you liked this person? At about the 20th time of him coming into the store and getting something very random. He was just so cute!
12. Do you get along with this person ex's? I have never talked to Dave's ex but I know a lot about her and know that she wouldn't be someone that I would get along with. I am very different from any of the other girls Dave dated.
13. What's the most expensive thing this person has given you? Probably my wedding ring.
14. What is the one thing this person does that gets on your nerves? Can I only name one thing? Gosh, let me narrow it down:) OK! He does not put anything away when he's done with it.
15. What is the one thing you do that gets on his nerves? I throw his things away that don't get put away (See #14)
16. Where do you see each other in 15 years from now? In our own house with a few more little darlings running around.
17. Wedding date? September 22, 2001. 11 days after the 9-11 attack.
18. Wedding day memories? The whole day was just so much fun. One thing that sticks out is right before going to the temple. Dave came and picked me up at my parents house and as we were just going out the door it suddenly hit me that I was actually going out the door to get married! Not on a date or going someplace like the store. I was going out the door to get married and I would not be coming back to that house as Amy Maylett again. It was so overwhelming and my eyes started to tear up. Dave took my hand and led me out the door to go get married. I loved the whole day though and have often wanted to go back and do it all over again.
I Tag: anyone who wants to think back to that time in their lives and think of things they haven't thought of in a while.
Posted by
Amy and Dave B.
2:05 PM
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Summer Vacation
We just spent most of the week down south in the Bryce Canyon area. We did a lot of driving and a lot of hiking.
Our first day we drove to Goblin Valley down by Green River. It was really, really cool and the kids loved climbing on the "goblins".
There was no shade and the sun and climbing around really wore the kids out.
Our second day was spent on the longest, hardest, sandiest, hottest yet most rewarding hike. We went to Calf Creek and hiked into a place that had an amazing waterfall. The trail was sandy like a beach which made it really hard to walk in. It was about a 6 mile hike round trip and yes we took Paityn and Andee. They got carried quite a bit but for the most part they did really good.
Our next day was spent doing a smaller, shorter hike and traveling. Our last day we spent in Bryce Canyon. It was amazing. We did another long hike into the canyon and out.
The first picture is of Dave at the top of the canyon looking in a little bit. The second is of my two little hikers. They were such troopers. And the last is a picture of the trail that we hiked on to get out of the canyon. You can see ALL the switchbacks that just kept going up and up and up. I thought I would never get out. When we got close to the top we saw a lady going down it in a knee-length skirt and high heels. I sure hope she made it.
We had a great time but it sure was nice to get back to a sand-free, air-conditioned home with soft beds, a kitchen. showers and bathrooms.
Posted by
Amy and Dave B.
1:26 PM
Sunday, June 8, 2008
So we've hit a few major milestones at our house, well, according to Paityn and Andee. But I think they're pretty neat too.
According to Paityn she can now go to Kindergarten because she
1. Can do her own seatbelt with no help AT ALL!!!
2. Keeps her panties dry all day long (most of the time)
3. She can roll her tongue like a hot dot bun. And believe me, this is huge to Paityn. She has been working on this one FOREVER and would cry whenever she tried and failed.
4. SHE CAN TIE HER SHOES! This one is a big one because she's never really had shoes with shoelaces before. All they make anymore are shoes with velcro or slip-ons.
What a big girl! Watch out Mrs. George. She'll be all yours come August.
Andee on the other hand has made her own little ah-ha's
1. She got a "big girl" bed. It's just a toddler bed but she thinks she's so grown-up. She looks so cute lying there in this little bed.
And.....finally......brace yourselves for this one.......
2. NO MORE SOOTHIE!!! Wooohoo. I thought the day would never come but one day I had just had enough and I threw it in the garbage with her standing there watching. And the rest is history. She asked for it the first night but went to sleep. The next day she didn't even cry or ask for it when it came nap time. She hasn't asked for it since. If I knew it was going to be this easy I would have done it a long time ago.
She was always seen with this "plug" in her mouth. It was a huge comfort to her. But finally, at the age of 2, it's gone!
What a big girl!
Posted by
Amy and Dave B.
8:50 PM