Tuesday, June 16, 2009

2 Months

2 months? Where did the time go? Although, it does seem like we've had her forever. She got her two month shots a few days ago and was officially made a princess by Dr. Clayton. We love Dr. Clayton!
Here are a few of the things that make Kenadie amazing!
*she makes her opinion known very strongly by crying and knows she can get her way
*she LOVES sucking on her fists - hopefully she won't find her thumb
*she has discovered that she can see her hands and will just lay there and look at them. It makes her go cross-eyed and is very funny to watch. She will also sit and watch her toes if she can find them.
*Kenadie is very happy in the mornings and is very generous with her smiles.

This is the best I could do with getting a smile. The camera is never around when I need it.
*she likes to play pat-a-cake with her feet and likes it when I put her toes in her mouth.
*has started to swat at toys hanging in front of her
*likes it when Paityn and Andee talk to her
*has discovered she has a voice and loves to goo and "talk"
*she LOVES the baby in the mirror (working on video for that. It's the funniest thing ever!)
*absolutely loves her baths and has learned to splash but hates getting lotion on and getting dressed afterward. BRRRRR!
*has the cutest chubby legs!
*likes playing with, sticking out and chewing on her tongue
*weighs 11 lbs. 13 oz and is 22 1/2 inches long
*likes to face forward so she can see everything
*she is known to sleep in until 9:30 or even 10:00 most mornings.


Grant and Candice said...

She is just adorable! So So cute!! Macie has that same little cherry outfit, I love it!

The Gary Coxs' said...

Mmmmm.... I just want to kiss those chubby cheeks! She is too cute and we can't get enough of her!

Nate said...

So So So cute!! I can't wait to squeeze her in 2 weeks!!! And I am so jealous that her mornings don't start till 9:30 or 10!?!?! What's your secret????

Unknown said...

Oh I can't believe how big she looks and how much she is taking on the Paityn n Andee features. She is such a cutie. I love how you write down things to remember. I can't believe how I can't remember things about my kids.