Wednesday, September 16, 2009

5 Months

Did that title just say 5 months? WHOA!!! Where has the time gone? It seems like yesterday that we brought Kenadie home from the hospital but at the same time it's like we've always had her and can't imagine our life without her.

*She has just learned how to sit by herself and without bending herself in half.
*She grabs her toes while on her back and plays with them
*She has just figured out that she should laugh when tickled
*She absolutely LOVES her sisters - especially Paityn who acts like a complete idiot trying to get her to smile.
*She jabbers and jabbers and jabbers
*Started cereal but not too interested in it. Would just rather have a bottle or a snack from mom
*When on her tummy she'll push up with her arms
*Rolls over very easily
*Will pull her legs under her when on her tummy (crawling here we come)
*Blows raspberries
*Sucks on her fingers
*Moves things from hand to hand
*Studies everything
*Loves the baby in the mirror
*Acts shy by turning her head away and down and smiling when someone talks to her
*Chunky, chunky legs with a roll over her kneecaps
*Turns herself completely around when on her tummy
*I'm pretty sure she says "Ma" :)
*Likes to play Peek-a-boo
*Cries when you leave her or take a toy away from her

Kenadie has just gotten to be so much fun and we can't wait to experience all the new things she'll learn!


Amy Cannon said...

Wow! I can't believe how big she is. She is sooo dang cute. I just want to squeeze her.

Kim said...

I can't believe she can do so many things! It's amazing everything they learn in such a short time! She's such a dolly!

michael. mindy. dane. said...

She is so stinkin' cute!!